Unifying Physics is more than a book

Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma introduces these three areas of physics in tandem with TRIZ – the industrial methodology of inventiveness. The book shows how TRIZ-inspired, yet adjusted for science approach, helps to amalgamate and link different areas of science, enhancing creativity and boosting inventiveness. Unifying Physics is more than a book, it is a unique approach that builds bridges of understanding and enhances connections between different areas of physics and technology, which are essential for developing the next generations of scientific instruments.

Paperback, hardcover and Kindle versions of 2nd Edition are available! Check them out at Amazon! eBook version (with color illustrations!) arrived – preview at Routledge!

Contains more than 380 illustrations and numerous end-of-chapter exercises.

Solutions manual is included into the book. The eBook/Kindle is published in full color.

The first edition of the Unifying Physics book is now in Open Access, thanks to CERN’s “eBooks for all” efforts. Preparation of the second edition has been completed, see more details in the About section. The authors, Andrei Seryi and Elena Seraia, aimed to create a refreshed book, not only with new chapters and updated materials, but completely reformatted and with color illustrations.

While waiting for your copy of the 2nd edition book, you are welcome to enjoy the Kindle or pdf version of the 1st edition, watch video podcast about inventiveness in science, or follow USPAS lectures and the students team who developed a concept of a compact light source in one week session, all this while not skipping the book reviews or look at NA-PAC 2022 tutorial. And if you would rather skip the pages with physics formulae, we hope you can enjoy the first and the last chapters of the book, where the history or particle accelerators is discussed in connection with the history of inventiveness methods, and where the Pasteur’s quadrant is applied to lasers, plasma and accelerators, together with a recipe how to cross the “Valley of Death” of technological innovation, and also can enjoy the Appendix, which contains colorful illustrations of 40 inventive principles.