
Image showing center of a particle detector with triple helix coming out of it, which symbolize connection of three areas of physics via TRIZ

This web site serves as a collection of resources (texts, reviews, lecture materials) related to the book “Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma (first edition, CRC Press 2015)”, as well as to the oncoming second edition.

The first edition is now in Open Access, thanks to CERNeBooks for all” efforts which selects popular books in accelerator science and work with the publishers to convert them to Open Access.

You are welcome to read the book, study the reviews, learn more about the authors, or watch video podcast or study the lecture materials. Enjoy!

The work on the second edition has now finished. It will add several new chapters, including scientific illustrations of 40 inventive principles, a solution manual, and will be featuring color illustrations for the eBook version.